
This antioxidant-rich smoothie is the perfect start to your day. 


Golden Superfood Smoothie

A good smoothie makes me so happy, especially when it’s both delicious and loaded with feel-good superfoods. This beautiful, bright-orange blend full of turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon is a great way to start your day, replenish your body post-workout, or sip when you’re feeling under the weather. In this single smoothie, you’ll get an immune boost, lots of antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties. I have one on regular rotation!

Serves 1

What you need:

  • 1 cup coconut water
  • 1 orange, peeled
  • 1 frozen banana 
  • ½ cup frozen pineapple
  • ½ cup frozen mango
  • ¾ teaspoon ground turmeric 
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon 
  • ½ teaspoon fresh ginger
  • 2 Medjool dates

What you do:

  1. In a high-speed blender, place all ingredients.
  2. Blend until a creamy consistency.

Healthy hints:

>> Why Medjool dates? They’re the sweetest, creamiest, and impart an incredible caramel flavor. They’re also loaded with potassium!

>> Make this Golden Superfood Smoothie extra creamy (think Orange Julius) by swapping coconut water for coconut milk. 

>> This smoothie is a great way to get turmeric into your diet, which helps reduce inflammation, boosts energy, and supports skin healing. Turmeric is a wonderful, ancient spice stemming from Ayurvedic tradition!